Imagine yourself snorkelling in beautiful cool waters. Watching the late afternoon light play on the waters surface and into the deep below. Then suddenly something big nudges you in the side!
What happened next changed Bryant Austin’s life forever…
“I turned to see what had touched me and found myself eye to eye with a Humpback whale. She had reached out to gently tap me on the shoulder with her two ton peck fin to let me know she was there. As I looked into her eyes I saw for the first time a calm mindful expression of grace and intelligence.” ~ Bryant Austin
The epiphany was powerful and clear! In an instant Bryant saw what was missing from all the decades of visual effort to communicate the reality of whales – moments like this that showed their beauty and intelligence on their terms and on their immense scale.
Soon Bryant had sold everything he owned including his house and left his job to follow his vision of creating highly detailed, life sized images of whales. By 2009 he had created the largest and most detailed collection of whale photographs that have ever existed. Exhibited as life sized prints the photographs have been shown around the world to international acclaim.
Bryant is now designing and building a 150 mega pixel camera capable of creating the largest and most detailed images of whales ever made.
Beautiful Whale Exhibition at The Australian National Maritime Museum
A selection of Bryant’s amazing photographs are currently on show at the Australian National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, Sydney.
Open Daily from Friday 11th April until Sunday 1st February, 2015
For more details see the ANMM website (ANMM)
To learn more about Bryant’s work and techniques please see his website
www.studiocosmos.com (Studio Cosmos Website)
Book Details
Beautiful Whale by Bryant Austin
Published in 2013
Publisher Abrams – Aust Distributed
ISBN 9781419703843
Hard Back – 305 x 381 mm
124 Pages Pages – 80 Colour Images
Price (AUD) $59.95
‘Beautiful Whale’ is published in Australia by Thames and Hudson
and should be available in most good book shops.
www.thameshudson.com.au Please follow this link to their website. (Thames and Hudson)
All Images Copyright 2013 Bryant Austin. Images used with permission.